Planning and Development Board, Government of Punjab in collaboration with the World Bank Group and multiple provincial departments is implementing the Ease of Doing Business Reforms Strategy and Pakistan Regulatory Modernization Initiative (PRMI) which aims to undertake structural reforms in order to improve the business environment of the province. The reforms strategy focuses on reducing time and cost for doing business and improving regulatory compliances regime through simplification, elimination, and automation of business regulations. The ambitious reforms strategy has been devised and customized after extensive consultation with relevant stakeholders and the private sector. The reform initiatives implemented under ease of doing business have paid rich dividends in terms of increasing efficiency, revenue generation, cost-saving, and time reduction. These returns will be scaled up with the implementation of PRMI. Lastly, I would like to extend my gratitude to the World Bank Group for their continued technical support to implement this important initiative.


Government of Punjab, Planning & Development Board has established Program Implementation Unit to coordinate and monitor the program activities of key multi sectoral and cross cutting donor funded programs. The key objectives of the programs are to improve service delivery, make efficient business processes, and reduce time, cost and procedures involved in the business transactions.
PIU acts as a one stop shop for the development partners and implementing agencies of the Programs, apart from monitoring and coordination. Upon requirement, PIU also arranges for technical assistance for the implementing agencies to complete key action items to ensure smooth implementation. As a Program Director, my aim is to ensure smooth implementation of reforms and effective inter coordination as well as with the federal government and World Bank.